BEFOREIt was time for an update in this kitchen. The homeowner dreamed of dark grey cabinets and modern fixtures while preserving the golden oak floors and trim work throughout the entire homeAFTERKitchen complete with new painted cabinets, quartz countertops, glass subway tile with a mixed glass accent, and more!BEFOREView from the dining area.DURINGRam board is down to protect the existing wood floors, everything is removed and we are ready to start the transformation.DURINGElectrical and plumbing has all been adjusted for the new layout, drywall repairs are complete, paint has been applied and the cabinets are ready to be installed.AFTERNew view from the dining room.DURINGThere are so many cool angles in this home.AFTERLooking into the dining area.AFTERWith the new fixtures and finishes in, the existing floors look like new again!AFTERPicture perfect!